

We believe that everybody has stories worth remembering, and our job is to ensure they are captured in professional quality!

With our services including digitization, photography, and videography, our personalized, documentary-style deliverables come in a timeless level of quality.

Trusted By



A graphic that says: "Capture your loved one's personality, stories, and memories with high quality definition video."

According to research done by renowned behavioral psychologist Dr. Albert Mehrabian: 55% of communication is body language, 38% is the tone of words, and 7% is spoken word. If you want to capture your loved one at 100%, then a life story documentary is the only way to go. Compared to getting a biography written or having your pictures taken, videography does the best job at capturing the beautiful stories of your loved ones. Our videography services give you the opportunity to share your stories in your own words.

A graphic that says: "Ensure that generations after you can enjoy the stories and memories of your loved ones."

A few years ago, ancestry.com conducted a poll that questioned individuals on the knowledge of their own family history. A third of the respondents couldn’t trace their family tree past their grandparents. 84% of people agreed that knowing your heritage is good, and 83% wanted to learn more about their heritage. Those polled said they wanted to learn more about their grandparents childhood, where their family is from, and life advice. Not only is a Remembrance the best way to capture all those aspects beautifully, but we thoroughly yet delicately dive deep into every client’s early life, mid life, late life, and reflections.

A graphic that says: "Have one easy to access place for all your favorite pictures, videos, and documents.

We use Picflow, a video & photo gallery service to make sharing your Remembrance Gallery simple. Every gallery is password protected, and easily accessible online. Our deliverables are high quality and timeless, guaranteeing your family stories will be preserved even 100 years from now.

An old man sits on a couch, minutes before his Remembrance filming next to a window while taking notes on a piece of paper.
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Our Process


We offer multiple packages at varying price-points! Once you’ve decided which package best suits your family’s needs, fill out a Contact Form and we’ll get back to you about next steps within the day! See our offerings on our Pricing page.

Story Planning

After you fill out a contact form, we schedule a meeting with you /your loved one to sit down, get to know them, and discuss what stories they want to tell. We develop questions together that best suit their needs and finalize which ones they plan to answer. This meeting is vital to tailoring the film to them and preparing them for the Production Day.

An old woman looks past the frame to the left with pinched lips, as if she is about to speak. She is in focus behind what seems to be a camera, which is out of focus.

Production Day

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A pyramid of Walnut Remembrance USB Keepsake boxes

We come to your home and do all of the scanning and videography on-site. The amount of time we spend at your home varies depending on the package selected. Production is between one to two weeks after our Story Planning Meeting to give your loved one ample time to determine how they want to answer the predetermined questions.

Editing & Delivery

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The footage from the Production Day is then edited, transforming the footageand scanned pictures into a beautiful Remembrance Lifestory Documentary. Every Lifestory Doc is delivered via online gallery with the option of a physical USB Keepsake box. The turnaround time is generally 2-3 weeks after the Production Day.

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Check Out Our Packages Here:

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